Chelsea sock it to Arsenal in WSL title race – Ladies’s Soccer Weekly

Chelsea sock it to Arsenal in WSL title race – Ladies’s Soccer Weekly

On right now’s pod: the panel rounds up all of the weekend’s WSL motion as Chelsea see off Arsenal thanks to a few first-half-goals, they usually ask, can the Gunners fairly blame it on the alternative socks they needed to put on?

The panel weighs up Brighton’s destiny as they concede one other 4 at house, this time in opposition to Manchester Metropolis.

Plus, the panel rounds up the Championship and discusses Emma Haye’s feedback on participant relationships. All that, plus we’ll take your questions and remind you to join our bi-weekly ladies’s soccer e-newsletter – all you could do is search ‘transferring the goalposts enroll’ – or comply with that hyperlink.

{Photograph}: Nigel French/PA

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